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My Heart still cares for You.

Tale of a Broken Heart

A Broken Heart Poem of a Girl,English Poem,It's very difficult to live with a broken heart..
A broken heart still beats but sadly a Broken Heart is like a broken Mirror.Love is painful
Broken Heart Quotes,English Poem,Imaginary Thoughts
Broken heart carrying a smiling Face,Broken heart poem in English 

Tears,You Left Me Broken ,I hate You,Alone,I'm Okay
Background Image Source:Google
Edited By:Talkative Words

Tale of a broken heart Girl who always  carry a smile on her cute face,
and bless her love to Be Happy and Always Smile..

"I'm Broken"

Glaring at the sky,
Holding a heavy heart..
Dreaming without closing my eyes,
Catching those  scenery far from a sight..
I dream ,O 'dreamer...
Are u able to hear?
My pain screams which is out of ear shot.
Your betrayal left me broken,
And for few months unspoken.
Now you are dating someone in front of me,
Trapping her with your fake love essence.
I remember,You brought a rose,
I thought It was me to whom you were going to propose,
I was shattered when I heard her name..
That moment was like a poison dose.
You gifted her Teddy bear,
Inspite you know she can't bear,
Your anger,your frustrations.
Your sorrows ,your worries,
You took her to shop,
And gifted a diamond ring..
Dear Platinum,
Once ask me what I'm going through..
Only your memories are for me?
I may forgive and forget you,
But it's my innocent heart,
Still caring for you even we are apart..

-Talkative Words

I'm Broken,Talkative Words,Sad Girl,Life Quotes
